Prodipe has a new distributor in Benelux
Prodipe is now distributed in Benelux pas Pro Média Connect
NEW: in-ear monitors IEM7120
Prodipe have launched a new ultra-pro, in-ear wireless system, and it's affordable for all.
Prodipe has a new distributor in Benelux
Prodipe is now distributed in Benelux pas Pro Média Connect
BL21 tested on stage by Fifi Chayeb
Double-bass player, Fifi Chayeb is fan of the BL21 Lanen Contrabass
NEW! DL21 Salmiéri Drums mic set
4-mic pack DL21 for toms and snare drums. A totally new range of instrument mic systems for recording all your acoustic instruments live.
Claude Salmiéri's latest album, '87th floor',
Claude Salmiéri's latest album, '87th floor', entirely recorded using Prodipe mics and mixed by Ludovic Lanen.